
Tiger Miniatures Artillery Collection
Summary of the artillery pieces in the collection
EX08 - 75mm Schneider QF Gun
EX09 - 7.7cm FK16 Field Gun
EX10 - 75mm Krupp QF Field Gun
EX11 - 18 pdr Quick Fire Field-gun
EX13 - Krupp 75mm Gun
Don't forget your limber, horses and crew.
Use the search and add to cart to select your requirements.
All pieces require assembly.

Tiger Miniatures Limber Collection
This shows
EX06 - Artillery Limber
EX07 - Artillery Limber open
BC30 - Limber with kit
Use the search above to find these.
All pieces require assembly.

Tiger Miniatures Mule Cart and Mule Limber
This shows
EX10 - Mule with Cart
EX14 - Mules with Carriage
Use the search above to find these.
All pieces require assembly.

Tiger Miniatures Balkan War Artillery
This shows
BWS06 - Serbian
BWG06 - Greek
BWB06 - Bulgarian
BWT06 - Turk
Use the search above to find these.
All pieces require assembly.
Crouching Tiger Rules
Quick Guide - Fast, Furious and Brutal
Play is controlled by the Phase list. Firstly, roll a D6 for initiative and the highest decides whether to go first or second. Then the artillery opens up at the nearest target. Don't forget the ranges. Both sides roll one D6 and add or subtract the modifiers and the highest wins. If the artillery wins then a base from the target is removed.
Next, the units move. Roll the D20 and that's the number of actions that unit or set of units has. Remember to keep your commander within the command radius. Any 'sensible' command is permitted. If you get a zero then those figures in that brigade can't do anything else, so if you start moving another brigade you can't go back to your previous brigades. Note that you can not pass through units, so plan accordingly.
If a unit(s) are within movement distance of another unit(s) then they can declare a charge. The charger has to do a morale test to see if they can get into contact. Those being charged take a morale test to see if they can stand. Just throw one D6 and add or subtract the modifiers. Melee is done after firing. If you stand you can fire if the troops have that capability.
In the firing phase, any figures within range can fire. Check the ORBATs on this page to see what units have this capability. Elephants can fire over troops in front as long as these troops are less than half the range away from the elephants. No one else may fire overhead. The mechanism is the same as for the artillery. 6 disorders a unit so don't forget to include it in the modifiers.
The army with the mostest at the end, wins. Good luck and enjoy.
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